I’m not alone in my firm belief in the benefits of psychotherapy; There’s a lot of evidence out there to show that psychotherapy works: Many studies, reviews, analyses, and trials have shown it’s not only effective in addressing most mental health issues, but is also at least as effective as medication in doing so (Hollon et al, 2006; Cuipers et al, 2013). Moreover, the effects of psychotherapy have been found to be longer-lasting than those of medication (Hollon et al., 2016) and less likely to result in relapse after the treatment ends (Nordal, 2010).
There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to therapy. We’re all different and we all come to therapy for different reasons. Some people come to therapy because they want to work on a specific goal or issue that keeps recurring in their lives. Others come because they want to delve deeper into their past and understand how it might be impacting them today. Others come because they sense something isn’t ‘right’ and they can’t put their finger on it.